Monday, May 2, 2011

A-Team in T-Town

Edited: 5/4/11
Here are the tips and tricks for volunteering for tornado relief and trying to make the biggest impact:

*Decide what type of work that you want to do/your skills/your resources
*Don't ask for permission - I mean don't wait for someone to ask you to come help. If you want to pass out supplies, go pass out supplies!

To Hand-Deliver:
Make signs that say exactly what you have in your vehicle.
Drive around and ask.
Make sure your vehicle(s) is/are organized so you can get to items quickly.
Have some type of bags for people to carry supplies away.
***For Mother's Day (this upcoming Sunday, May 8th), consider taking mom-type care packages or cupcakes around to pass out. Be sensitive when passing these out, as many women have lost their children in the disaster.

Supplies Needed:

Many places are currently overwhelmed with clothing* and bottled water***. It will be needed though; feel free to donate it in the upcoming weeks. If you "have" to donate it now, please hand-deliver it to the communities. Some supply centers are having to rent warehouses now because of the mass amount of clothing.
*Underwear, bras, diapers, and socks are still VERY much needed.
***Bottled Gatorade and sodas are very welcome as variety to water.

0Rain jackets (there are very few)
0Emergency candles (T-town stores have run out)

0FOOD!!! (certain areas that cannot get to shelters are running out of food)

0Tarps, nails, hammers, and people to help put them on houses

0coolers and bagged ice
0prepared food and sandwiches that are individually bagged
0any candy or cookies with peanut butter or other types of protein bars
0Gatorade and crystal light packets
0bottled Gatorade
0stuffed animals
0any blankets or sleeping bags
0diapers any size (especially size 3&4),
baby wipes, baby powder
0infant formula
0baby food
0any baby clothing
0coloring books
0duct tape (lots)
0PVC fittings and pipe
0construction garbage bags
0work gloves
0close-toed shoes and boots to give away
0crutches & splints
0sunscreen & bug spray
0chapstick with SPF
0hand sanitizers and lotion
0coloring books and crayons
0sleeping masks (take them to shelters because the shelters keep the room lights on for security at night)

0safety glasses
0traffic cones, flagging tape, spray paint -- basic colors (for SAR to mark houses)
0iodine tablets/ water filtration

***This post will be edited and reposted multiple times!

PS - If you are just out taking pictures and video, you have two options. 1) Go home! You are backing up the roads. EMS services are already spread thin and far away from each other. Don't make the drive longer. 2)Get out of your car and help.