Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happiness is like a butterfly...

...which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Having lived by myself so much this year, I love being around people more and love being able to laugh ridiculously with them. So I started typing this post about a week ago and it started off well but turned into a rant. So I stopped and left it. I left it becuase I don't want to be the person that rants, I want to be the person that is able to help, to change, to make better.

So here is my take two on this post... Over this last year, I have felt every emotion that I think we have named. And I have let some of those expriences change me in some not so great ways. I was talking with one of the girls that works at camp with me and that is also a personal friend about it tonight. I had come to the realization early in the week and I needed to talk to someone about lots of stuff, so I was super excited when she got back tonight! It is so amazing to trust someone so much to just be able to tell the story and have them give you a honest answer, or shoulder to lean on, or whatever you need.

From all of this, I decided to in get in touch with one of my college bff's, Mindy, to restart what we use to call our "Daily Tasks". We would either decide the night before or one of us would text the other early in the morning with a "to-do" for the day. Sometimes they were silly, sometimes easier than others, but most of the time revolved around other people. So our task today was to do one nice thing for 3 different people (didn't matter if we knew them or not). The thing could not be something we normally did and it had to be beyond our normal "oh-that-would-be-nice-to-do-for-them". We had to purposely go out of our way. We also tried not to tell the people either, if they did not know what we did. I couldn't help tell one - I was really excited about it! It felt really awesome to be that intentional to do nice things. I ended up doing more nice things today than I have in a long time.

I hope everyone has an amazing week - happy summer!

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