Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So I like to think that for the most part I'm a fairly level-headed, listen to both sides kind of person. However, there are certain issues and situations (these include human rights, children, and how to improve our thinking as a society) that I'm super passionate about and will enthusiastically jump on my soapbox.

This is one of those times! is currently (and plans on continuing) selling a how-to guide for pedophiles. This article does a fairly good job at explaining the situation.

I am boycotting I feel strongly about two points that are leading me to my decision.

1) as a retailer has a responsibility to us as consumers. They get to choose which books they sell. They do not have to support this one, but they do. They have chosen to say that it would hinder free speech if they pull it. What if what you're saying is morally wrong or hurtful?

2) Go check out's Facebook page. It is frustrating to see so many people not getting a response as they comment en masse. The lack of personal response just shows how non-personal Amazon's business sense becomes when receiving criticism. However, check out their current status. The Facebook admin replied back about a sweepstakes during the same time customers were commenting about the book.

The book's contents completely irk and disgust me. However, Amazon's lack of responsibility to the public appalls me even more. As adults, we have responsibilities that maybe we don't want to have, but we have them none the less! Same with companies. You choose the culture you live in and the culture you show to others. Think about how amazing and slightly heavy that is all at the same time. What if we always thought about our actions, how we treated others, and the things we teach everyone around us? What if we did all of this from a moral, healthy, well-rounded place within each of us? Amazon, how 'bout you do that too.

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