Thursday, April 15, 2010

Well Hello!

This is my first foray into blogging on a personal level - we shall see how it goes!

Just in case you don't really know me and happened upon this, I'll let you know the basics about me. The three biggest things within my life are my dog, my job, and climbing. I know what you are thinking -what about family, friends, etc? Believe me! they are unspoken parts of my life but do sometimes get overlooked or are already part of the three BIG things.

Rainier is my sweet, special buddy of a dog. We have been through a lot together and yes, he does act like he is a human. I've not even had him for a year, and I am not sure what I would do without him. Living with him is entertaining to say the least - he is completely blind in his left eye and survived distemper. So, he has a VERY unique personality.

I love my job - it is a lifestyle more than anything! I am the Program Director at a camp that is a summer camp, but also operates an Outdoor Environmental Education program and has retreat groups during some months. I run all of our programs, plus hiring and supervising staff, buying supplies, recruiting volunteers, managing the programs' budgets, plus lots more. I've grown up (literally - my mom works here too) at camp and now live and work here! Like I said, it is a lifestyle (also this wraps in the friends and family - most of my friends come from camp!).

Outdoors have always been a large part of my life - I grew up on an 1800-acre farm. Now that love is very focused on climbing - I've been climbing less than a year and it just clicked from the beginning! Most of the free time I have is spent climbing or training/staying in shape for climbing. I love yoga and trail running too, which fit nicely into climbing training. Instead of New Year's resolutions, I wrote down climbing goals (highly-focused, remember). The awesome thing is that I'm slowly ticking them off the list.

To sum it up, that's what this blog is going to be about: my adventures and my goal of living life to fullest!

Much love :)

"Overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary"
- Uta Hagen

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